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Changing the game with UFO Drip

UFO Drip is a game changer. It’s the world’s fastest bottled chain coating and made for anyone who is serious about his performance on the bike. This Blog Post will help you to find out more about the development process and test results of one of our latest products.

UFO Drip sets up a hard coating and provides real-world savings on the bike not available in any other drip-applied product. For athletes that seek the perfect compromise between ease of use and effectiveness, UFO Drip isn’t just the best choice, it’s the only choice!

Starting in the lab

Starting in CeramicSpeed’s Lubricant Development Lab in Boulder and based on Jason Smith’s core knowledge of chain efficiency science, the fastest base lubricants were identified, then tweaked with additives and modifiers to further increase the performance. It was clear what was fast… and what wasn’t.

“It’s always difficult to be the world’s best. But I believed that after all my years of testing, and after inventing the UFO Racing Chain treatment, that I could develop a drip-applied chain lube that was faster than anything else on the market, both in the lab and on the road. It’s taken an enormous amount of testing – thousands of hours – but we nailed it.” Jason Smith, Chief Technology Officer

After months of testing 35 unique formulas, a formula emerged that tested very fast; a formula containing 10 components with each component contributing a specific benefit to reducing the overall friction. But was it the fastest?

This was the most important question since the vision was to make UFO Drip the fastest bottled chain coating. The lab testing results proved Jasons’ findings and formula:

Based on the lab testing results UFO Drip Chain Coating could have easily been touted as the fastest lubricant on the market, but that’s not true to CeramicSpeed’s nature. CeramicSpeed products need to perform at their best when in real-world use, not just in a sterile environment. While clean lab testing provides valuable information, it is not always indicative of how a product will perform in real life.

Putting UFO Drip through ist paces

The question was how much does the friction increase because of those contaminants adhering to tacky lubricants. Rather than rely on assumptions, a contaminant test was performed in the lab to simulate real-world conditions. A test protocol was designed in which 1/3 gram of fine grit was sprinkled on a chain every 10 minutes for 90 minutes to simulate common road conditions.

Amazingly, in real-world conditions with road contamination, UFO Drip gets faster as you ride it. There are two key differences with UFO Drip that promote the perfect environment for a fast chain.

It is well documented that many wax-based treatments get faster in the first 15 to 20 minutes of riding. This is due to the wax “breaking in” and creating a highly polished lubricating layer on the moving parts of the chain. With UFO Drip, this process is completed within a few minutes of riding. This leads to a faster chain in less time.

Second, as proven by the contamination testing, wet and tacky treatments pick up contaminants from the road, creating friction. Since UFO Drip is 100% dry, it does not allow particles to adhere, keeping the chain clean. As a result, after the short break-in period, the chain remains contaminant free and the friction level during a ride is lower than when the rider began pedaling.

Frictional losses in watts

This graph is the most important graph. It shows the initial friction levels (red bars) and the total friction levels that occur during a ride (grey bars). The grey bars are most meaningful to a rider because this is the friction being created on the chain during a ride, taking into account both the efficiency of the lube and the lube’s willingness to attract or repel contaminants.

The testing described in this email is only a sample of the rigorous testing performed during the creation of UFO Drip Chain Coating.

The whole process is what makes CeramicSpeed so unique. The focus on developing game-changing products for ambitious and aspirational riders.

If you would like to know more contact us below

3 thoughts on “Changing the game with UFO Drip

  1. Rob introduced me to this and I have to say 3 months down the line and riding in a very dusty Saudi Arabia , it works, the fine dust seems to just bounce off the chain! If I’m honest I find it incredible too, but it does, it really does. In Dubai today visiting Wolfies and I will be restocking, try it you won’t go back to anything else.


  2. Rob introduced me to this and I have to say 3 months down the line and riding in a very dusty Saudi Arabia , it works, the fine dust seems to just bounce off the chain! If I’m honest I find it incredible too, but it does, it really does. In Dubai today visiting Wolfies and I will be restocking, try it you won’t go back to anything else.


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